Tips for accepting your site in Google Adsense 2023


 Tips for accepting your site in Google Adsense 2023

I am here today to help you get approved by Google Adsense. When I was learning digital marketing, I had a lot of questions about it. After analyzing all the terms, I've put together 12 tips to help you get accepted faster.

In fact, Google AdSense can be a tricky beast if you haven't been approved before. If you already have a website licensed for Google AdSense, it's easy to add more websites to your account.

But what about those who never obtained consent or who had great difficulty doing so? This list is especially for them.

1. Content quality matters

If you want to get approved in Google AdSense, the first thing you need to do is what I think is one of the most important things to achieve. This means that you must ensure that your website has quality content.

Some may think this is unimportant, however, Google now makes sure that websites you approve don't just contain spam or people copy-pasting content from other websites.

Anyone attempting to use acronyms should be left out as they want to ensure that they are generally excluded from their search results. You will not be accepted into Google AdSense.

Just make sure your website has quality content. You can review the Google Publisher Policies to get a better idea of the values Google values.

Google demands high-quality results in its search engine results pages, so there's a good chance you won't be accepted if your website doesn't have any.

They will not monetize your website because they know that if they do, you will undoubtedly lose money and eventually give up.

2. Create 10 to 15 posts

Quality content is the second focus. You should have 10-15 quality posts on your website before applying for Google AdSense to let Google know that you are taking it seriously and have some money making content on it.

In general, your website should contain between 10,000 and 15,000 words. If each article is between 1,000 and 1,500 words long, that's an excellent number.

3. Create a page for contact information.

I think a lot of people overlook the third spot on the list. Before applying for Google AdSense, your website must include an introduction and contact page.

The reason is quite obvious: Google wants to know who is behind your website before giving it a positive rating, to determine if it is real. Multiple employees may also be listed on the About page.

In addition, you must have a contact page on your website so that anyone who visits it can contact you.

Having these two pages will prove that you are a reputable company. When Google looks at you from an AdSense perspective, this is really essential.

4. Publish a page with privacy policies.

Be sure to develop a privacy policy page, number four. People often make this mistake because they claim they "don't really know what to add to the privacy policy page".

Sincerely, there are a lot of different generators to be found on Google. The most important fact that you should be aware of is that Google requires specific language in your privacy policy.

The language Google AdSense wants you to use in your privacy policy is also indicated on this page, along with what Google AdSense says about it. Actually, it's very simple; All you have to do is copy and paste.

5. Verify that the website content is not restricted.

In my opinion, some people may not think about item number five before building a website. Meaning, you have to make sure that your content is not on the restricted list.

Yes, there is a restricted list for Google AdSense. Bye, AdSense, if you are running a website with restricted content.

There are many different rules, so this site will detail each posting restriction.

In general, you may not engage in any type of sex or profanity involving violence, terrorism, explosives, firearms, tobacco, recreational drugs, selling alcohol, online gambling, prescription drugs, pharmaceuticals, or supplements. Untested food.

I think that has recently included unlicensed drugs and dietary supplements. Google AdSense may reject you if you run a health-related site that contains a variety of unproven or somewhat questionable nutritional supplements.

6. Do not use copyrighted images

Useless images should not be used. I need to confirm this.

The photographers who put a lot of effort into creating those images are protected by usage rights. They must be paid for their work.

It is possible that Google Adsense will not approve you if you simply go to Google and enter a form to post there.Take selfies as they see what you did because these are not your photos.

Make sure not to act like this because it is not a sound course of action.

Personally, I use two different sources, if you're sitting there and saying, "Well, I don't have a lot of money for pictures," or, "I don't really know where to get pictures." The first is called and it's completely free.

The second is more expensive, but if you sign up for a monthly plan, you can access a wide variety of photos for a much lower fee.

7. I (from time to time) recognize the importance of a site's age

Although this isn't always true, I wanted to add here: Sometimes the age of your website matters.

Unlike the US and many other countries, Google specifically warns users in China and India that your websites must be up and running for at least six months before you can apply for Google AdSense.

I believe they did this because many fraudulent websites were developed and included in their Google search results environment.

He ruled out how some people played with the system, I don't know all the details, but I know he mentioned these two countries.

If you are in any of these countries, wait six months. If you're not, you don't have to worry about it because if you get rejected, that's usually not a problem.

8. Check to see if your website is blocked

Make sure your website is not blocked. If you built your website from scratch and purchased the domain name recently, you don't have to worry about this (unless you've already been told you've been banned from Google AdSense).

However, if this is not the case and you have already purchased a domain name or website, there is a very small chance that Google AdSense has already blacklisted your website. It's worth checking out.

Again, you can check to see if Google has banned you with a website called Although most websites usually don't, it's still important to check them out.

9. Improving the appearance of the site

Create a professional looking website as element nine. While you don't need to go out and buy an expensive theme, you do want to make sure your website looks great.

Make sure your website is fully functional, so that when someone visits it, it doesn't look like a random bunch of 90s HTML that's hard to navigate.

As long as you're using a default WordPress theme or one you bought from somewhere, you'll be fine. If this interests you, you can check out my tutorials on my suggested topics.

Just make sure it looks acceptable and that you have it. This could be a lot

Additionally, try to avoid detailed coding unless you're really experienced.

10. Go to clearly labeled websites

Make sure your website navigation is simple. This is generally an afterthought.

However, sometimes websites don't show up or their methods aren't particularly clear. This is problematic because it calls into question the legitimacy of the site.

Is it difficult to get Adsense approval?

Getting approved for an AdSense account is not difficult as long as you meet the prerequisites mentioned above. Although Adsense is a great way to make money, it is always important to remember not to break any of its rules. You are permanently fired. Rule-breaking program.


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